Saturday, September 15, 2012


I kinda haven't made much progress with Final Fantasy Exodus since my last post. I've been working on mapping out the first dungeon and playing with variables a bit. I managed to implement a simple switch puzzle that opens a door and I've nearly finished mapping out the dungeon. Then I kinda lost interest and took a two and a half week vacation from game making and started another fan project when I got back to work. I'm not going to say what maker it's being made in or what the project is, I have no idea if it will go anywhere beyond some maps and a basic plot. I've had trouble trying to make it work in the past and I don't know if I'll be able to now. If I do keep going with it and actually manage to make it work, I'll post more info when that happens. I really want to get somewhere with this one; hell, this one has a better chance of becoming more complete than any other projects I've worked on because unlike my other projects, my interest in this one doesn't fade as fast.

I'll post more when I've come to a decision about it or if I make any progress with my other projects.

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